Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Our First Day

Surprised not to sleep the day away, my mum and I were up and out the door by 9:30. We first went to meet Scotty and Dallas, the owner's of Annie's Inn. They are extremely friendly, and like everyone down here they have a very heavy southern accent. I was super excited to see Elf, so we went and grabbed our coffee and headed to the barn. For whatever reason it took us three tries with the GPS to find the actual barn, and so 45 minutes later we finally arrived. The paddocks are big and beautiful, with a very cute barn that sits behind them. Beside the barn is a large field where the dressage ring and jumping ring are. The people who provided me a stall in their barn, Penny and Lindsay, were super nice, gave us a tour of the place, and wasted no time in showing us where Elf stays. Elf was really happy to see my mum and I, and every time we tried to walk away she would press herself up against the stall. Unfortunately today it was really rainy, but the footing is so nice and sandy that it absorbed all of the rain. I decided that it would probably be a good idea to lunge Elf, since she hadn't been ridden in 10 days. As expected, I got dragged once or twice when she decided it would be a good idea to gallop away from me and leap over some poles that were on the ground. After a while, she finally settled, and I took her in for a nice groom. We spent the rest of the day getting settled, and my mum helped me stock the cottage with groceries. It's official! I am all unpacked and ready to go. It will be interesting to see what comes over the next week, month, and following months. 

Here are a couple pictures of Elf from today. I will take some pictures of the barn and such in the days to come.

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