Thursday 20 February 2014


Wednesday was a nice, easy day. We took the horses on a nice long hack to stretch their legs after a good xc school the day before. When we got back Elf had a nice bubble bath and full day outside, while we hung around to watch Lindsay work the rest of the horses.

When I got to the barn this morning, I set up a long line of trot poles for my ride on Elf. She was a really good girl and we had a nice flat ride. Elf had another full day outside and I spent the day cleaning my tack, washing my saddle pads, and watching the other girls ride. We all ended up talking for a while over a nice cold drink, and the rest of the day flew by. When I got home I had a very unpleasant surprise. A giant cockroach was twitching on the floor right by the door. For some people this may not be a huge issue, but I have a MAJOR issue with bugs. For those of you who know my dislike for bugs, you can laugh at the image of me figuring out how to get rid of it.. I even called my Dad for some de-bugging advice. I ended up using the vacuum, and I am still paranoid that there will be another one somewhere. Needless to say that I had a GIANT glass of wine after. 

She really likes hay cubes- notice how discoloured her nose is

She really enjoys sunbathing too

This is Bandit

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